Creative Skills Workshop

A Miniseries of Creative Tutorials

Watch our online tutorials, workshops and conversations aimed at introducing young people to new skills and careers, featuring Fourth Monkey Actor Training Company, PoOr Collective, Scale Rule CIC and a special interview with Curator Meneesha Kellay V&A.

These mini tutorials introduce young people to new skills and careers in the Design, Build and Creative Industries. We collaborated with some of London’s leading professionals, creatives and emerging talent to introduce young people to new skills and careers.

The POoR Collective Design Skills

Would you like to learn how to draw your house, favourite pair of trainers, or even a lemon? Then check out this drawing workshop!

Throughout this video, POoR Collective will show you how to draw orthographic drawings which include a Plan, Section and Elevation. Orthographic drawings take 3D objects and show them in 2D form and are one of the most common ways designers communicate their ideas.

In this short tutorial architecture graduates, Ben Spry and Larry Botchway explain how to draw a Plan, Elevation and Section using a 3D object, principles that can be applied to any design discipline, whether you are drawing headphones, trees or buildings.

Scale Rule CIC
Model Making

Learn how to make a tension suspended model.

Architects, engineers and designers, often make models to test out their ideas. Models can be used to test what a design will look like, as well as to test if it stands up! It can also give you ideas on how to make something larger at a full size scale, including what materials can be use and how big your material piece needs to be.

In this tutorial, structural engineers Sinead Conneely and Laura Hannigan show us how to make a tension suspended structure using materials found in the home, in less than 15 minutes.

Fourth Monkey Actor Training Company
Confident Communication

Gain the ability to communicate confidently with these 5 top tips!

In this tutorial, Darcy Willison of Fourth Monkey Actor Training Company shares her 5 top tips for confident communication and how to apply them when presenting and sharing your ideas.

Top Tips for confident communication: relax, take up space, be present, story telling & connecting to your Audience.

Meneesha Kellay V&A
Curating Cultural Programming Pt1.

Have you ever wondered what a Curator does? In this two part interview, our host Georgina Appeagyei talks to special guest Meneesha Kellay, a London based Curator who currently leads on Festival activity in the Design, Architecture and Digital department at the V&A Museum.

Meneesha Kellay V&A
Curating Cultural Programming Pt2.

Meneesha talks to us about how museums curate installations, exhibitions, workshops, talks and events. She also shares her route into the profession and how young people can get involved in creative, cultural projects..


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