Lancaster West
Lancaster West Community Fund
Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team
& the Lancaster West Residents Association.
West London
Through the refurbishment of the Lancaster West Estate in North Kensington, Karakusevic Carson Architects, one of the design teams for the estate, established a social value programme, which included a £50,000 Lancaster West Community Fund in partnership with Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team, and the Lancaster West Residents Association. Beyond The Box worked in collaboration with the three organisations to launch a number of exciting opportunities for local residents living on the Estate, including a series of paid roles for residents to join the engagement team and support the community engagement plans for the estate, empowering residents to share their views, ideas and opinions on any future plans.
We managed the launch of the new community fund, ensuring it was used to directly benefit residents living on the estate. We used our decades of experience in grant funding to design a fund that was equitable for everyone who had an idea and wanted to apply for funding, to be able to do so. We used our co-design methodology to ensure it was the residents who informed how the funding was invested.
We designed and delivered several engagement events online and in person with residents on Lancaster West Estate, discovering what the fund should be used for. Five priorities emerged from the engagement activities, we used these priorities to create the funds criteria.
The priority areas were: Green & Outdoor Spaces: Includes gardening, planting and landscape projects, seating and picnic areas. Sports & Fitness: Includes more accessible sports and fitness opportunities, outside gym & support for local sports clubs and teams. Connecting with our Community: Includes a wide range of community activities, from arts and crafts to cooking, day trips and music programmes. Skills & Training: Includes digital skills training, start-up business support, job opportunities and skills building. Engaging Young People: Includes after school clubs, summer programmes, creative projects and activities for older teens.
Once the fund opened for applications, we began delivering one-2-one support synergies for residents and local organisations who wanted to apply to the fund. These capacity building sessions up-skilled applicants in budget writing, project management, introduction to the funding landscape and impact measurement. Once the fund closed, a panel comprising of two members from the Residents Association, representatives from Karakusevic Carson Architects and representatives from the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team scored the applications.
Seven grants were awarded in total, comprising of two individual residents and five organisations (one of which was run by a resident on the estate). All grants were awarded to projects that benefit the local residents living on Lancaster West Estate, you can read about them below.
Sports & Fitness
Lancaster West United Football Club is a project delivered by a Lancaster West Estate resident – Sam. This project will look to support the local football team and provide a space for the young people of the estate to come together.
Swimunity – Access to Swimming is a project delivered by local organisation Swimunity, led by Lancaster West Estate resident - Sarraouina. This project will look to hold swimming sessions for residents to learn life saving skills, how to swim and to have fun in the pool.
Connecting Our Community
The Home Project is a project delivered by a Lancaster West Estate resident – Sion. This project will take 10 portrait photos of residents who have lived on the estate the longest to explore what can be learned from elders, and understanding “What is the one thing that makes Lancaster West Estate home?”.
Health and Wellbeing is a project delivered by a local organisation, the Persian Care Centre. This project will look to bring people together by running cooking sessions teaching residents to cook healthy, traditional meals using fresh ingredients.
Skills & Training
Lancaster West Into Employment is a project delivered by a local organisation, Nova New Opportunities (Nova). This project will provide Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) services on the estate to residents of Lancaster West Estate.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Courses is a project delivered in partnership between a local organisation, African Women Care, and a mental health trainer, Catherine. This project will deliver a mixture of half-days and full day courses on the estate, on mental health and suicide first aid.
Engaging Young People
Science Boost is a project delivered by a local organisation, Educational Events CIC. This project will look to deliver science courses after school and on weekends to children living on the Lancaster West Estate.